
OKT3 Anti Human Antibody

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VB-28 Media Supplement (50x)
  • NobimpexBrand:
  • 神经原细胞培养添加剂-10mlCat No:
  • 10mlSize:
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VB-28 Media Supplement (50x)

VB-28 Media Supplement is a serum-free and Xeno-Free supplement optimized for improved in vitro survival, growth and function of neurons. The formulation of VB-28 is developed on the basis of the original B27 neural supplement with modification reflecting current knowledge of neuron culture. Human albumin in this product is manufactured in FDA-licensed facilities and tested per FDA guidelines (The albumin is negative for HBsAg, anti-HIV 1/2, anti-HCV, HIV-1 RNA, HCV RNA, and HBV DNA) .The supplement is provided as 50X solution.


VB-28 Media Supplement is a serum-free and Xeno-Free supplement optimized for improved in vitro survival, growth and function of neurons.


Storage and Stability:

Store at -20℃ or -80-20℃. Protect from light.


VB-28 Media Supplement is optimized for improved in vitro survival, growth and function of neurons.

Product Literature:


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