

The product brand directory

Product Name Size Description Brand
ChoMaster HTS Medium 8L KIT,whih HEPES,without L-glutamine.Is use to generate a freezing mixture for the long-term storage of pre-selected growing CHO cells. Furthermore,the medium is particularly siuted for the gene transfection & clone selection. CCT
ChoMaster HTS Medium 4L KIT,whih HEPES,without L-glutamine.Is use to generate a freezing mixture for the long-term storage of pre-selected growing CHO cells. Furthermore,the medium is particularly siuted for the gene transfection & clone selection. CCT
ChoMaster HTS Medium 2x500 mL medium(1X),ready-to-use.Is use to generate a freezing mixture for the long-term storage of pre-selected growing CHO cells. Furthermore,the medium is particularly siuted for the gene transfection & clone selection. CCT
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