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OKT3 Anti Human Antibody

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OKT3 Anti Human Antibody
Product Name Size Description Brand
VB-30 Supplement (50x) 50ml VB-30 Supplement is a serum-free and xeno-free supplement optimized for the cultivation of organoids of in 3-D culture system. Nobimpex
VB-30 Supplement (50x) 10ml VB-30 Supplement is a serum-free and xeno-free supplement optimized for the cultivation of organoids of in 3-D culture system. Nobimpex
VB-28 Media Supplement (50x) 50ml VB-28 Media Supplement is a serum-free and Xeno-Free supplement optimized for improved in vitro survival, growth and function of neurons. Nobimpex
VB-28 Media Supplement (50x) 10ml VB-28 Media Supplement is a serum-free and Xeno-Free supplement optimized for improved in vitro survival, growth and function of neurons. Nobimpex
Cell Resuscitation Solution 100ml A new serum-free cell recovery solution suitable for the resuscitations of various kinds of cells, with a high cell survival rate. Nobimpex
Anti-human CD3ε monoclonal antibody 1mg CD3 monoclonal antibody(Clone No:OKT3),1mg.can be used for the activation and expansion of human T cells. HYSKILL
Anti-human CD3ε monoclonal antibody 0.5mg CD3 monoclonal antibody(Clone No:OKT3),0.5mg.can be used for the activation and expansion of human T cells. HYSKILL
Anti human CD3 monoclonal antibody(OKT3) 1mg CD3 monoclonal antibody(Clone No OKT3),1mg. Can be used for the activation and expansion of human T cells. Nobimpex
Anti human CD3 monoclonal antibody(OKT3) 0.5mg CD3 monoclonal antibody(Clone No OKT3),0.5mg. Can be used for the activation and expansion of human T cells. Nobimpex
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